Like last year, I took my job very seriously at this year's Toronto Taste.
As an official Twitter Reporter for #TorontoTaste's social media team, I tweeted my butt off on Sunday, May 27th, 2012 (for those of you who follow me on Twitter I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about =P).
My Toronto Taste attire consisted of a long stretchy dress (as room for stomach expansion was critical and absolutely necessary) and a pair of comfy flats. Armed with my iPhone for tweets / pictures (didn't take my SLR, too heavy) and phone charger, I was beyond ready. As the night went on though I felt more and more like a pig (an even bigger one than usual) because I ate non-stop! I'm not even joking.
With over 60 restaurants and 30 premium beverage purveyors, it was impossible to try everything, so no, I did not try everything I took pictures of but really, it was close enough.
Ready for some massive scrolling? =D
I know for a fact that I've missed some food stations but I tried my best O_o
Thank you Second Harvest (@2ndHarvestTO), Alexa (@alexaclark) and Anna (@flozer) for including me in your team again this year! And Mark & Stacey (@TastingToronto), it's always a pleasure seeing / working with you guys :)