"A First Meal, as your Last Meal" was the theme of February's Death Row Meal. Brought to you by Joel (@foodie411) from Living.Loving.Local, five of Toronto's great Sous Chefs were given the task of preparing their takes on their first cooking memories. In order to give the Sous Chefs some inspiration, they were asked the following:
"Do you remember the first meal you learned to cook as a kid? How old were you? Was it a family recipe? From a cookbook? Something you learned on a cooking show?"
I bought my ticket right away because I thought the event had a really fun and neat concept. I guess many others felt the same way as it was a sold-out event at Keriwa Café =)
Below is a recap of the event...
COURSE ONE: Coulson Armstrong (@Chef_Coulson), Auberge du Pommier (@Oliver_Bonacini)
Luca Gatti - Trish Gill - Kevin Gilmour
THE DISH: Eggs Brouillade + Kataffii Nest + Sturgeon Caviar + Flowers
THE PAIRING: 2010 Sémillon, Rosewood Estates (@Rosewoodwine)
Coulson: "Growing up outside the city in rural farmland, on weekly occasions certain family members would have to make their way into the kitchen coop to fetch some eggs for the weekend lunch. I supposed I got the job more than others. This memory has inspired me to serve an egg in a crispy nest, showcasing my roots growing up, and finishing it off with a generous dollop of caviar for that fine dining aspect of where I'm now in my career".
COURSE TWO: Dennis Tay, Keriwa Café (@KeriwaCafe)
Kevin Gilmour - Dennis Tay - Coulson Armstrong
THE DISH: Rabbit & Foie Gras Boudin Blanc + Elderberries + Pistachio, Red Cabbage + Pear + Red Fife
THE PAIRING: 2009 Chardonnay Reserve, Vineland Estates (@VinelandEstates)
Dennis: "So the back story is this is the first thing my father showed me how to cook. Well, hot dogs that is. He was preparing to leave me alone at the house for the first time (I think I was six or seven years old), and he wanted me to be able to cook something if I got hungry. This is also my first kitchen burn. He told me to make sure the electric coil stove was working by checking the surface next to the burner for heat (it was mad old). Smart me just touched the actual burner"
COURSE THREE: Kevin Gilmour (@KWGilmour), The Drake Hotel (@thedrakehotel)
Gill Trish - Kevin Gilmour
THE DISH: Foie Gras Torchon + Herbed Pain Dore + Chunky Apple Sauce
THE PAIRING: 2010 Dunes (Vidal), Sandbanks Winery (@sandbankswinery)
Kevin: "In 1983 At Bennington Heights Public School in Toronto, my mother bought me The DC Super Heroes Super Healthy Cookbook (I still carry this book with me to every restaurant I work at). I was fascinated by all the "secret" and "invisible" recipes that they had in this book (all an illusion to get young children to eat their fruits and veggies without knowing it). One in particular caught my eye, Batman's invisible banana French toast. My mother used to make this dish for me and cover it in my first two loves, butter and apple sauce. My version of this today is a foie gras torchon (the butter), on a savoury Pain Dore (the French toast) with a chunky apple sauce. Thanks mom!"
COURSE FOUR: Luca Gatti (@lucagatti22), Enoteca Sociale (@EnoSociale)
Luca Gatti
THE DISH: Handmade Orecchiette + Sunday Sugo
THE PAIRING: 2010 Redcoat, Ravine Vineyards (@AlexRavine)
Luca: "Some of my best childhood memories with food is when the whole family got together to make sausages. Ever since I could remember all my aunts, uncles and grandparents came over to my house around this time of year to make them. Me and my dad went to the butchers the night before to get the pork and casings, then the next day all the kids job was to wash the casings as everyone else butchered and ground th meat. At this point the men continued to stuff the sausages while the women started the Sunday sauce, which was the pork trimmings, and the fresh sausages that were stewed in tomato. After all the sausages were done we all sat down together and ate!"
COURSE FIVE: Trish Gill (@gilltrish), Beast Restaurant (@BeastRestaurant)
Trish Gill - Coulson Armstrong
THE DISH: Bone Marrow & Bourbon Bread Pudding
THE PAIRING: 2008 Mead Royale, Rosewood Estates (@Rosewoodwine)
Trish: "I'm doing a "deep dish" French toast. My mom woke up early one morning to find me in the kitchen (3 years old), successfully making French toast. It was the first meal I ever made!"
The Sous Chefs a.k.a the "Rising Stars" of Toronto's culinary community!
Photo credit: Rossy Earle (@PanCanCooks)
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